My adventures through Pinterest...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Coconut Milk

Week 12:
This last week I didn’t necessarily do a Pinterest project, but I had recently seen pins of the beach being posted. That’s important to know, because it led me to buying a coconut at the grocery story that was sold as a drink; if I couldn’t go to the beach, I’d bring the beach to me. Now, before buying the coconut, I vaguely remember drinking coconut milk when I was younger in the Caribbean, and I thought I had liked it. Either I have the worst memory ever, or I ate anything as a child and thought it was good, because let me tell you, drinking the insides of that coconut was less than enjoyable. It wasn’t even milk! It was discolored water, that tasted too sweet to be refreshing.  Lesson learned…

1 comment:

  1. WOW that picture of a coconut is really weird looking.
