My adventures through Pinterest...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Coconut Milk

Week 12:
This last week I didn’t necessarily do a Pinterest project, but I had recently seen pins of the beach being posted. That’s important to know, because it led me to buying a coconut at the grocery story that was sold as a drink; if I couldn’t go to the beach, I’d bring the beach to me. Now, before buying the coconut, I vaguely remember drinking coconut milk when I was younger in the Caribbean, and I thought I had liked it. Either I have the worst memory ever, or I ate anything as a child and thought it was good, because let me tell you, drinking the insides of that coconut was less than enjoyable. It wasn’t even milk! It was discolored water, that tasted too sweet to be refreshing.  Lesson learned…

Miniature Pies

Week 11: Miniature Pies
I did this pin late last night, and I didn’t have as much time as needed. I made some apple and blueberry filling off of taste and filled them up in a cupcake cooking sheet. That was my first mistake; I forgot to oil the cupcake pan beforehand, which made removing them a nightmare - the blueberry ones crumbled on me. Regardless of that, they actually tasted really good, contrary to how they looked. Cleaning the cupcake sheet was another process in itself, too. Still, these were just as good as an actual pie, only smaller! The link below is what I used – they have a lot of good ideas for decorating the top of the mini-pie.

Yogurt Drops

Week 10:
Too easy. Sick life. But seriously, these literally took 2 minutes to make. You can use whatever yogurt of your choosing, and from there put them on a cookie sheet and stick them in the freezer (how long for them to freeze is dependent on how big you made them). Once frozen they easily come off of the cookie sheet and into your mouth. J I used Noosa yogurt, only the best kind ever, which I highly recommend. I also recommend putting a chocolate chip in the middle of each yogurt drop… In the pictures you can also see that I froze banana slices, but that’s another story. The link below is the one I used:

Tie Dye Nails

Week 9:
I love anything that has the word “tie dye” in it, including tie dye nails. It didn’t seem too hard, but then I remembered that there must be a reason for the saying “easier said than done”, as in the case of this. By the time I was done it looked nothing like tie dye, more like a 5 year old with really shaky hands tried to paint my nails and changed colors halfway through. Not a good combination. I think my problem was that I was using quick dry nail polish, and so it had already partly dried by the time I tried to put it on my nails. Oh well, better luck next time! 

Link for instructions:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Clementine Candle

Week 8: Clementine candle. Okay, this was beyond easy and "pretty neat". I mean, who thought of this!? Genius. I used an orange instead, and it still worked fine. Just follow the directions (maybe all of 3 steps) and you’ve got a candle! It took less than 5 minutes, and only a knife, orange/clementine, a little olive oil, and a means of fire! I’m still amazed. The only thing I wish it would have done, would have emitted that citrusy smell more – which, who knows - it might have if i had let it burn longer. Definitely recommend this just for kicks, or if the power ever goes out ;)

Hair Chalking

Week 7: Hair chalking. I got out the sidewalk chalk, and went to town. Not much happened, except for the fact that I’m pretty sure I created a mini dread in my hair from trying to get the chalk color to transfer – all in vain. After all was said and done, and I went back to the website to see if I was doing anything wrong,  and the only thing that was different was the fact that they were using a different type of chalk. Next time, I wouldn’t use sidewalk chalk; leave that stuff for the sidewalk. Follow the link if interested in temporary color, or potential dreads ;)

DIY Headband

Week 6: DIY headband. Figured I’d give it a try, and it all went pretty smoothly until I realized I had a bigger head than I thought (no pun intended). I finished it, and then realized I couldn’t get it on over my head; who knew? 
That’s when I had to get a little inventive and transition it from a headband to a bracelet. Also, I have no idea how they knotted the two ends of the ribbon braid to the hair tie – theirs looks much better than mine, but I do what I can. Anyway, the link below is the website I used, although they should really warn you to make it extra big in case your head is above average in size…:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Waterfall French Braid

And another pin done! This week I tried doing the waterfall French braid. Didn’t work out so well. I was able to do it, it just didn’t look very good. I first tried to do it on myself, and after starting over so many times, it turned into a really good arm workout; by the end by arms were sooo tired.

That’s when I volunteered my sister and and sister-in-law’s hair to my cause. Like I said before, I was able to do it, but let’s just say I’m never going to be a hair stylist.


I think I was hungry when I was looking through Pinterest, because when I came upon a picture of beignets (a New Orleans treat) I couldn’t resist. I rounded the troops (meaning my friend, Hannah), and we went to work. The link below of the recipe says it takes about 2 ½ hours, but with two people it only took about 1 ½ - not too shabby.

Now, how they tasted is a whole ‘nother story. Mmmm. Those Louisianians know how to do it up. I highly recommend!

Sugar Lip Scrub

Week 2 consisted of DIY Sugar Lip Scrub. A perfect remedy for dry chapped lips, eh? The ingredients were pretty simple, too - brown sugar, coconut oil, and honey. I did my homework and got the ingredients once again. The recipe that followed recommended by a fellow Pinterest user is below. Basically though, you just mix it all together – I could do it, and that’s saying something.
Once it was made, I had to try out my handiwork, so I scrubbed them up. They did feel a lot smoother and softer afterwards, but I also think I ate some of the scrub in the process – not on purpose, either. Oh well, on to the next Pinterest task!